Establish your private online hub to securely store and manage Raman spectroscopic data.
Seamlessly upload and download spectroscopic data in any standard format.
Add important notes to individual Raman spectra or entire datasets, preserving vital insights.
Easily browse and view Raman spectra using our user-friendly online tools.
Establish your private online hub to securely store and manage Raman spectroscopic data.
Seamlessly upload and download spectroscopic data in any standard format.
Add important notes to individual Raman spectra or entire datasets, preserving vital insights.
Easily browse and view Raman spectra using our user-friendly online tools.
Swiftly search your data or access shared data by other users using advanced search functionalities.
Identify and sort spectra by similarity, enhancing your research efficiency.
Leverage AI to search for differences or similarities within groups of spectra, unlocking deeper insights.
Selectively share published spectra, raw source data, or specific snippets with other users to encourage collaboration.
Swiftly search your data or access shared data by other users using advanced search functionalities.
Identify and sort spectra by similarity, enhancing your research efficiency.
Leverage AI to search for differences or similarities within groups of spectra, unlocking deeper insights.
Selectively share published spectra, raw source data, or specific snippets with other users to encourage collaboration.